Steven Powers (SMP)

Krita 4.3 Tablet Support

I was just working with Krita 4.2.9 with my Huion HS610 and noted that I found there was a bit of lag when using the brushes, but NOT NOW!

Graphics Drawing Tablets

If you are new to digital drawing/painting and need an inexpensive way to explore your creativity, then a few options of Graphics Drawing Tablets. This is a dilemma that all digital artists have to solve that messes the Computer, Tablet, and Application.

Character Construction…How to Draw Disney's Rabbit...The Video

This episode starts with the deconstruction Disney's Rabbit, detailing, basic primitive forms, contour lines, and basic armature in preparation of applying the "Sketching: The 4 Step Method" to draw Rabbit.

This video is an extension of an earlier article that can be found HERE

VIDEO - How To Draw Disney's Rabbit: Character Construction