Steven Powers (SMP)

Tinker Bell in Watercolor.

This is a simple sketch with a black Polychomo that I colored with watercolor.  I am a big fan of Disney and my youngest son loved the new Tinkerbell series of movies. This was a good example to combine a ink and wash feel using water proof pencils instead. The dimensions of this sketch is 7" x 7" on Strathmore 300 Bristol Smooth 100lbs.

Sketching Trees in Charcoal

This video demonstrates my approach to sketching trees in charcoal.  Starting with thumbnails approximately 1x2 inches and progressing into large studies. I am using basic tools for this with recommendations listed below.

I know that it has been sometime since I posted a video and this one is a bit longer than I normally post, but at least it isn't the longest I've posted.  Hope you enjoy it.



Watercolor Stitch and Pooh

These are two that I did for my youngest son in watercolor. They have been big parts of my kids lives and were fun to do. In actuality, this is mixed-media. I sketch in pencil, used Faber Castell Polychromos for the line work and colored it with watercolor and gouache. The pictures are roughly 6x4 ans 5x7 respectively. I painted on Strathmore Mixed Media 400 Vellum and Arches Hot Pressed paper.  Both are very smooth working well for small paintings and any detailed renderings.

I hope to post more often this year than last.  I finally got situated in Texas and have my work area organized.


Passing Time

 "Passing Time"
(Medium - Graphite on 60lb Paper)

Over the last year I moved my life from Connecticut to Texas and my artwork was relegated to my travel sketchbooks.  The main one was the very inexpensive ProArt 4x6 60lbs book that I almost exclusively used with a Pentel .5mil mechanical pencil.  Even though it was not finished art with numerous design attempts that fell flat, I came out with quite a few character and scenic designs that I liked.This is one that stands out for me. 

Madison and Marverick

Madison and Maverick 

It has been a long time this year between posts. I moved our family half way across the country from Connecticut to Texas.  We all heard how time consuming that moving is, well that's just the start of it.

Trees in Charcoal

I drew these for Christmas presents this year.  They co-inside with an upcoming tutorial on sketching trees.  The above where started in graphite on Canson 140lb watercolor paper.
Then I add the dark and detail with Charcoal. 

In Transition

Here is a leftover from Halloween.  This was done on toned Strathmore in charcoal. This started months ago in my sketchbook and I had fun scultping this character.  Not someone I would want to meet in the dark.
