Steven Powers (SMP)

Tinker Bell in Watercolor.

This is a simple sketch with a black Polychomo that I colored with watercolor.  I am a big fan of Disney and my youngest son loved the new Tinkerbell series of movies. This was a good example to combine a ink and wash feel using water proof pencils instead. The dimensions of this sketch is 7" x 7" on Strathmore 300 Bristol Smooth 100lbs.

Sketching Trees in Charcoal

This video demonstrates my approach to sketching trees in charcoal.  Starting with thumbnails approximately 1x2 inches and progressing into large studies. I am using basic tools for this with recommendations listed below.

I know that it has been sometime since I posted a video and this one is a bit longer than I normally post, but at least it isn't the longest I've posted.  Hope you enjoy it.



Watercolor Stitch and Pooh

These are two that I did for my youngest son in watercolor. They have been big parts of my kids lives and were fun to do. In actuality, this is mixed-media. I sketch in pencil, used Faber Castell Polychromos for the line work and colored it with watercolor and gouache. The pictures are roughly 6x4 ans 5x7 respectively. I painted on Strathmore Mixed Media 400 Vellum and Arches Hot Pressed paper.  Both are very smooth working well for small paintings and any detailed renderings.

I hope to post more often this year than last.  I finally got situated in Texas and have my work area organized.


Passing Time

 "Passing Time"
(Medium - Graphite on 60lb Paper)

Over the last year I moved my life from Connecticut to Texas and my artwork was relegated to my travel sketchbooks.  The main one was the very inexpensive ProArt 4x6 60lbs book that I almost exclusively used with a Pentel .5mil mechanical pencil.  Even though it was not finished art with numerous design attempts that fell flat, I came out with quite a few character and scenic designs that I liked.This is one that stands out for me. 

Madison and Marverick

Madison and Maverick 

It has been a long time this year between posts. I moved our family half way across the country from Connecticut to Texas.  We all heard how time consuming that moving is, well that's just the start of it.