Steven Powers (SMP): free open source floss GIMP Ubuntu Linux Digital Art
Showing posts with label free open source floss GIMP Ubuntu Linux Digital Art. Show all posts
Showing posts with label free open source floss GIMP Ubuntu Linux Digital Art. Show all posts

How To Install Gimp-Painter in Ubuntu 11.04

I have been working on moving from Windows to Linux for some time. I have been able to substitute most of my commercial apps with Open Source of Free ones. But since I go back and forth between Windows and Ubuntu I try to use the same apps on both systems. Recently David Revoy has posted a lot of info on his site in regards to Gimp-Painter and GPS (Gimp Paint Studio) that patched Gimp to emulate Corel Painter.

Needless to say I am a Windows user and know it pretty well, but I am in the process of learning Linux.  Lucky enough there are people like David that will share the command lines that you can usually paste in Linux terminal windows which is similar to Windows cmd function.